My Supplement Story

My Supplement Story

The reason I got so interested in learning more about natural joint supplements and supplements in general is because of my beautiful first pony Cinders (pictured left).  I got her for my 10th birthday which still to this day was the happiest day of my life.
She has been through everything with me good and bad, sadly I had to say goodbye to Cinders on the 30 March 2019 after over 30 years together.  She was 4 years old when I got her, she was born 1st November 1982 and she lived to the ripe old age of 36.

When she was 13 I found her in the paddock with a lump on her near side knee, she wasn’t lame just had a strange lump.  I didn’t want to take any chances so off we went to the vets for an xray.  The results came back that she had fractured one of her meta carpels and fortunately one that doesn’t move in her joint.  The first vet said put her to sleep she isn’t worth the money it’s going to cost to keep her alive and sound..... much to my disgust as she wasn’t even lame we never saw that vet again.

The next vet said “Her knee will outlast her there is no reason to put her down” phew that was a relief because even though this little 13.3hh pony was only purchased for a few hundred dollars she was worth a many millions to me.  As I studied at University I decided to really look into what could help her live happily with this knee.  We knew it was only a matter of time before arthritis set in and she did eventually start being lame, so off to study I did, one of my lecturers mentioned looking into MSM and Glucosamine as that is what is recommended for humans with arthritis and joint issues.  I hunted down a chemist that could make me a mix and she has been on them ever since.  She was lame everyday and I was concerned that was it for her, within a week of being on both supplements she showed an amazing results and was deemed 100% sound by the vet.

I did take her off the supplements for a few months as I did question whether they were doing anything good and to my surprise she started to become lame again.  So back on them she went and has been on them everyday since.
Since she was no longer able to be ridden and she was my million dollar pony I decided to breed with her and got a lovely filly which I named Sasha (pictured right).  She was born 18th November 1988 and is currently 21.  She shared a paddock with her mother who she protected and looked after, so much so no other horse was allowed near her without Sasha warning it death would result if it touched her dear old mum.

We had our bad days here and there but we got through it she was not in pain and we managed her on msm and glucosamine morning and night.  She was lucky to ever need anything stronger such as bute at all and from memory in a 12 month period she probably had a dose 3-4 times.  
By the age of 35 her arthritis had advanced and we did put her on previcox and pentosan which gave her another 8-10 months of life before her legs just couldnt keep her going.  She was laid to rest and buried in her paddock under her favourite tree.  Her daughter Sasha spends her days enjoying the lovely green grass around her mother.

I have seen the amazing results of these supplements with my old mare and several other horses over the years, though she wasn’t put on them until she had got an injury and arthritis I know the best form of care is a preventative one.  All my horses now go on these supplements to help their bodies deal with day to day life and exercise.  I know that their bodies and joints are looked after and hold off the onset of arthritis.  Not only that but they have so many other wonderful benefits without having the horrible side effects and damage that most drugs do.
They are supplements though and not drugs so they need time to work as results wont happen over night.  But know they are working their magic on the inside.
Oh and did I mention I also take them myself so I get to see the results first hand!

I have expanded and learnt so much over the years and studied in various aspects of equine health, medicine, ailments and nutrition.  I owe it all to that little 13.3hh mare Cinders that walked into my life and stole my heart when I was 10 years old.  The most important thing to me has always been to keep my horses happy and healthy to the best of my ability and if I can share any of my knowledge to help others do the same then I have succeeded.  
I am always learning and will never know everything but it sure is fun learning.  I take horses health very seriously and although my journey started with joint supplements it has expanded so much especially into the importance of taking care of gut health and digestion.

I love to help people because I know how hard it is these days knowing what's best for our horses, my journey and business is not all about making money it is about helping people do the best they can for their horses.  I have been known to spend hours on the phone with just one customer discussing their horses or having conversations with people in the middle of the night helping with advice because I couldn't sleep.

This is my story and how I decided to get into selling supplements I would love to hear your story of what you have learned or achieved with your horses or in life because of them, even if it is the smallest goal or dream.   Even a lesson learned because of owning or being with horses.  

Thankyou for reading if you got this far I did well to keep your attention hehe

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